Run Aria2 in Linux Mint 12

Aria2 is a program that is familiar to Linux users who frequently have download activity. It's an internet download manager for linux platform. It works like an IDM for Windows OS users. The different is Aria2 download manager works using command line in your Terminal.

Below are some useful Aria2’s commands for Ubuntu or Linux Mint 12 users:
Run all commands in your Terminal.
  1. Install Aria2.
    sudo apt-get install aria2
  2. Download a file from the internet.
    aria2c [link to the file]
    e. g. If you want to download linux mint 12 ISO
  3. To stop the download process, just press "CTRL+C" in your Terminal. To resume the download process, re-run the command in the previous step.
  4. Download from more than one connection.
    aria2c -x[n] [link to the file]
    n = the number of connection will be built.
    e. g. If you want to download linux mint 12 ISO using 4 connections
    aria2c -x4
  5. Download a file from many sources.
    aria2c [link to the file] [1st mirror link] [2nd mirror link]…[n mirror link]
    e. g. If you want to download linux mint 12 ISO from 2 sources
  6. Bittorrent download.
    aria2c [link to the torrent]
    e. g. If you want to download linux mint 12 ISO from torrent

Note: Aria2 has many supports such as ftp, metalink, magnet, https, and more...
That's all how to use download manager in your Ubuntu using Aria2. Hope it useful.

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