'My friend's been hacked' Feature Added by Hotmail

'My friend's been hacked' Feature Added by Hotmail
There are a lot of email facilities offered by some providers, such as gmail from Google, yahoo!mail from Yahoo, and Hotmail from Microsoft. These emails are divided into free email (usually for individuals) and paid email (normally used by corporate). But, whatever the choice, either free or paid, should both provide security for its users.

Associated with security, then the Hotmail add new features, "My friend’s been hacked". The new feature of Hotmail can filter out spam that comes from reliable sources. Now, when you have flooded by email from your friend and find that the emails from your friends is not as usual, you can select "My friend's been hacked" from the "Mark as" menu.

I think this person was hacked
When you move a letter into Junk, you can click a box that reads: "I think this person was hacked". What have you did before is going to kick spammers and your friends are going through a cleaning process called "recovery account flow" in the next time when they try to log in. In my humble opinion, tagging messages with "I think this person was hacked" will hurt our friends because we might be doing the marking is only meant for a joke, but our friends still have to go through the process "recovery accounts flow" that helps them take back control of the account.
So, do you agree with my humble opinion about the new feature "My friend’s been hacked” from the Hotmail, especially a checkbox named "I think this person was hacked"? Give me your feedback...


  1. These sorts of data inquiries are completely legitimate and can be performed through anybody that has web entre to look for motors. All you need is the email location of the individual you are hoping to perceive.https://dcit.newcastle.edu.au/education/2016/09/22/the-most-popular-email-services-in-the-world/
